If you are found at fault when an on-road accident happens and your auto insurance cost becomes more expensive, it is advisable to understand how fault is determined.
- If there was not another vehicle involved in the incident, you will be found at fault by your insurance company.
- When two or more vehicles are involved in the collision, blame must be assigned. There are some common incidents where it is easy to determine who is at fault. Where it is not so easy to assign blame, the police examine the scene and deliver a report determining fault.
Some insurance agencies, due to customer loyalty, refrain from penalizing their clients. This is usually only done when the client has been with the insurer for many years, or when his driving record is a good one. Including accident forgiveness on your policy is another way to prevent a penalty in the event of an accident. Most insurance companies charge extra for this added protection, and only award it when a client has an impeccable driving record. If you change your insurer, you would need to apply for accident forgiveness on your new policy.
Accidents happen, but there are ways that you can stop the occurrence from increasing your car insurance rates. For more information about how this can be done, call Reliable Insurance Managers at 713-227-7283. We will happily answer all your questions.